
The Garden

The Garden

(this news item posted on June.12.2007)

Once upon a time when Heather and I were just starting a newish relationship, I spied her reading a book. We had found that we enjoyed reading books together, but this was a big thick book that looked very different from the kinds of books we liked to read.

"No offence", she said, but I'm getting kind of tired of all the political books. I was taken aback by that. The world was going to hell in a hand basket and obviously we needed to read every goepolitical acology and human rights based book available. But here instead she had a work of anthropological fiction: The Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean Auel.

THEN, after she finished this huge book she started reading ANOTHER ONE. Apparently this was a series of books. So finally my curiosity got the best of me and I accepted her offer to read it with her.

So what the Earth's Children series of books by Jean Auel are basically about is a young woman named Ayla. And Ayla is a very beautiful and industrious woman who end up inventing just about everything in human history. Before the tender age of 25 this young woman has invented projectile weapons and sewing needles and pioneered the domestication of horses and hunting dogs and has a pet lion for a while, she discovered fire stones and revolutionized fire making, and she had a whole wealth of knowledge about medicinal plants.

Maybe it's not the most realistic story ever, and the books really tend to drag on in places, but they were a surprisingly fun read. We ended up reading them all. And somewhere along the way we started to think of plants as the fundamentally valuable part of our world that they actually are.

Heather started to want chamomile blossoms and echenacea blossoms for tea and she started eating the wild mint that grows around our house. The anti-capitalist in me was very taken by the idea of free food that just come right out of the ground. And so little by little we began to have a garden.

Heather's first book and a lot of stories she has to tell talk of Sunflowers. I really felt very strongly that she should have some and so last year we went to the MAP gardens and gathered some sunflower seeds that were dropping out of the spent sunflowers. I didn't know how easy they were to grow and didn't do any actual reasearch on how to plant them we just stuck em in the ground and hoped. And now we have an adolescent sunflower growing up before our eyes. It's like magic.

And we managed to put enough sticks and stakes around the dewberry bushes to stop the landlord from mowing them down when he swing that noisy gas powered thing all around, so there will be a huge bounty of berries this year. Free food is the best tasting food that was ever invented.

I transplanted a lot of mint and lambs quarters and clover since the people here at the house will eat it.

Spending time with plants would never have seemed like a worthwile or productive use of time five years ago. But it somehow is. Plants make really good air, they're calming to be around, they're good eatin, and they are FREE.

Anyone know where one can get a mechanical push mower these days? We really need one.



Well... That Went Well

Well... That Went Well

(this news item posted on June.04.2007)

Monday morning, back to the daily grind after a weekend of being a rockstar. All three performances this weekend turned out much better than I expected.

DanceAlive was an amazing time. Every time I perform with the Blood Thirsty Vegans I feel more and more a part of a musical family. We even had my friend Kush back from Africa to do his beatboxing thing. We danced like there was no tomorrow, and there were children everywhere and they all really got into it.

BeatFest on Saturday was also really good. Having to drive so far to get to it gave plent of time for me and Heather to bond with the ever gregarious Kirk who came to add some beatboxing to my words. It was a long wait to get on, and trying to do a poem with no music first wasn't really going anywhere, but as soon as me and Kirk mixed our stuff together the audience really got into it. It was a really fun time.

And Sunday night at the Bird House was a strange phenomenon as well. I can't ever tell if the people at the Bird House intend on doing what they say they're going to do or if they can get it together and pick a direction to head in. It sure didn't seem like there was going to be a concert there that night. But, I guess when there're so many people there in one house, they can clear a room and create a stage in no time and they know what they're doin. Rapping at the bird house with an impromptu djembe player was really, really, really well recieved. Those kids seem to really read a lot and know a lot and at least 5 or six kinds from the bird house have already read my books. It's a strange and wonderful and frightening place all at the same time, and it was a great show. The guy that came on after me was an absolutely amazing guitarist and lyricist.

Peace & Love

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