
Tomorrow Night...

Okay, this is it. Tomorrow night is my first in-store book event. I've talked it up on the radio, I've put leaflets on cars, hung flyers on bulletin boards, Talking Leaves bookstore has put up notices all over the store and in the ArtVoice local indie weekly. So, all that's left is to show up and read tomorrow.

It's been a good week of selling the book. I had hit a slump and then all of a sudden I sold a couple at dinner co-op last week. Then the next day I went out to visit a book club on Grand Island and read my book to a really cool group of ladies (retired school teachers and nurses and such) and we had a really good time with the book. Then I had a few people hand me money that owed me money for the book (kind of like a pay me when you have it kind of deal and they happened to have it). Then I sold a copy at work. It's been a really nice week like that.

But best of all has been reading the book to my new coworker Richard. He's an older Italian guy and the book has been prompting these really amazing discussions. And we got to the part in the book with the Eric Davis speech and he was moved nearly to tears, and I hadn't even read it as passionately as I usually do, but he was really very affected by it.

Anyway, I love this book. I love reading it to people. Hopefully, tomorrow, I will get to read it to a lot of people.

Buy my Book

be Peace,

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